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How to invite the President, Provost or Chancellor to your event

We are here to help

If you have any questions about the process, content or materials, please contact the President’s Office – Chantale Dean, Executive Assistant, via email or by phone 705-662-7228.

Request attendance at your event

Please complete and submit Speaker Request Form and email your form to

Important notes:

  • Please submit your request as early as possible, preferably 8-12 weeks prior to your event. For requests fewer than 30 days in advance, please contact Chantale Dean directly.
  • Please be aware that changes to your event (i.e., start/end time, venue, speakers, etc.) may impact availability. If you have changes, please submit them immediately.
  • If you plan to have a photographer or media at this event, please let us know and share the photos with us within a week after the event.

Upon review of your completed form, you will be notified of the status of your request.

Event materials

Once you have received confirmation of attendance, you will be asked to supply the following materials no later than 14 days prior to the event.