Opportunities for Clinical Faculty
Consider an Appointment in the Division of Clinical Sciences!
NOSM University is continuing to expand its programs and recruitment of healthcare professionals for academic appointments and instructional positions for the Undergraduate Medical Education Program, the Postgraduate Residency Programs, the Physician Assistant Consortium, the Northern Ontario Dietetic Internship Program, the Electives Program, the Continuing Education and Professional Development Program, and the Rehabilitation Sciences Program.
The mission of the Faculty Affairs Portfolio is to provide leadership, supervision and representation for the faculty of NOSM University in order to ensure that the University always has the teaching resources to provide the highest quality educational experience for learners while building the capacity and commitment of teaching resources in the North. Additionally, the Faculty Affairs Portfolio is responsible for the recruitment, scheduling, and evaluation of faculty members, as well as the promotion, integration, and mentoring of faculty members.
Benefits of a Faculty Appointment
With an appointment, faculty enjoy:
- Faculty membership and an appointment with the University.
- Regular notices and newsletters regarding activities and developments at the University.
- Updates regarding medical advances in Northern Ontario.
- Inclusion in a network of health professionals who share similar academic and clinical interests.
- Opportunity to provide mentorship for future physicians.
- Involvement in the recruitment of colleagues.
- Participation in the newest medical school in Canada.
- CME credits for participation in teaching and faculty development events.
- Use of academic titles for grants, promotions, and award applications.
- Access to the University Libraries.
- Access to NOSM U’s Alternate Funding Plan Agreement for participating physicians via NOAMA.
- Access to virtual and in-house academic events at the University.
- Access to online teaching materials and faculty development sessions.
- Remuneration for many administrative roles within the University.
- Stipendiary support for teaching activities.
- NOSM University email and intranet accounts.
- Literature searching capabilities.
- Opportunity to participate in a variety of research initiatives.
- Access to the Research Support Group, which supports faculty with their research endeavours.
- Access to research funds via NOAMA.
- A fulfilling and rewarding career.
Opportunities to Be Involved
There is a plethora of opportunities for Clinical Faculty members to be involved with the School.
- Admissions Assessor (participating in the MD admissions process where Assessor Volunteers are asked to assess the autobiographic sketch and question submission portion of the admission application)
- Admissions Interviewer (participating in the MD admissions process where Interviewers are invited to interview MD applicants in a Multiple Mini Interview format)
- PGME resident selection
MD Program
Phase One (Year 1 and 2) Academic Sessions:
- WGS (whole group session): Traditional lectures, demonstrations and large group tutorials.
- CBL (case-based learning session): Self-directed learning via complex cases.
- TOS (topic-oriented session): Students learn to identify patient issues using a problem-based format.
- SCS (structured clinical skills session): Instruction on physical exams and patient/doctor communication.
- LAB (laboratory session): Students work through case studies related to basic anatomy and histology, diagnostics, and clinical skills.
- FIT (Foundations of Interprofessional Team-Based Care in the North): Promotes understanding of the distribution, availability, an roles of healthcare resources across Northern Ontario, particularly in the context of physicians as a part of team-based care.
Phase Two (Year 3) Academic Sessions:
- VAR: virtual academic round (exploration of cases from learners’ clinical experiences);
- DTS: digital tutorial session (pre-recorded lecture with a Q & A session for students to clarify key points)
Phase Three (Year 4) Academic sessions:
- Academic discipline-focused session (traditional style lectures to review key concepts and issues that are mapped to cases);
- Journal club session (where learners use critical appraisal to meet objectives in social and population health);
Phase Two & Three Clinical Teaching:
- SES: specialty enhancement session (strengthen learners’ understanding of community resources and services, culture, and interprofessional teams);
- PCS: primary care session (Students are given opportunities to develop and refine their communication, physical examination skills and management approaches. Clinicians will also appraise and help students revise their suggested management plans for patients);
- HCS: on-call sessions (lead students to participate in the daily care of in-patients);
- Clinical teaching opportunities (supervision of learners as they refine their communication, physical examination and management approaches).
Other Curricular opportunities in UME:
- Conducting observed structured clinical examinations OSCE (assess learners’ performance of clinical skills as they proceed through stations with real or simulated patients);
- Engaging in curriculum development activities (advise re: curriculum content, regularly review the curriculum, write cases and assessment questions);
- Advising learners/faculty advisor (provide guidance and support to learners).
Postgraduate Programs
- Facilitating clinical/procedural skill development (participate as SIM case writers/facilitate procedural simulations)
- Facilitating development of scholarly skills (provide residents with information, resources and mentoring to design scientifically sound and relevant research)
- Facilitating development of an evidence-based medicine approach (provide tutorials designed to integrate the teaching of principles of critical appraisal with the current clinical experiences)
- Facilitating a journal club session (where residents use critical appraisal to meet objectives)
- Participating in OSCE case preparation (design real-life clinical situations where residents assess and apply clinical knowledge)
- Participating as an OSCE examiner (assess residents readiness for the practical aspects of the profession)
- Evaluating residents as a STACER examiner (assess residents competency at performing a history and physical exam using a standardized checklist and evaluation form)
- Supporting residents in exam preparation (oral/written to assess the definition and management of health problems as well as the residents’ approach with patients)
- Mentoring residents (provide guidance and support to residents in times of challenge and difficulty)
- Facilitating multidisciplinary days (speak on a variety of topics where all residents are in attendance)
- Facilitating at a resident retreats (lecture on specific topics)
- Facilitating an academic session or a core topic session (applicable to the numerous Postgraduate Programs).
- Engaging in curriculum development activities (advise re: curriculum content, regularly review the curriculum, write cases and assessment questions)
- Invigilating the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada Part II Exam (assess residents’ performance of clinical skills)
- Providing clinical teaching opportunities (supervision of residents as they refine their communication, physical examination and management approaches)
- Participate and support Postgraduate Programs during CaRMS process with file reviews and interviews of potential residents.
- Provide support by taking on Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) leadership roles including;
- CBD Leads (Oversees implementation and operation of Competency by Design at the program level)
- Stage Leads (Identified lead roles at various stages within CBD Programs)
- Advisors (supervise and support residents’ progress through residency training)
- Competence Committee Members (make group decisions based on patterns of performance evidence to inform postgraduate resident progression in their program.)
Physician Assistant Consortium
- Provide clinical placement supervision (supervision of learners as they refine their communication, physical examination and management approaches)
- Teaching and course director opportunities periodically in on-line didactic courses
Program Contact
Ms. Melissa Rodway , PA Program Coordinator
Email: paprogram.coordinator@utoronto.ca
Website: paconsortium.ca
The Master of Medical Studies Program
The Master of Medical Studies (MMS) program provides foundational research skills for physicians who want to develop a robust approach to answering health care questions. The thesis-based program focuses on developing the necessary skills to acquire grant funding, obtain ethics approval, develop a research question and appropriate methodology, complete the research study, and finally write and present the results at conferences and in publication. The MMS uses an asynchronous online model to deliver the course material. Clinical Faculty can participate in the MMS by:
- Supervising MMS student thesis research projects (guidance of learners throughout their thesis work, from project development to the oral defense and thesis submission)
- Developing and delivering courses (courses are either full- of half-semester, or participate as a guest lecturer
- Being a member of the Graduate Studies Committee (program development, policy review, etc.)
Program Contact
Dr. Alain Simard, Assistant Dean Graduate Studies
Email: graduatestudies@nosm.ca
Website: nosm.ca/research/graduate-studies/master-of-medical-studies/
Northern Ontario Dietetic Practicum Program
The Northern Ontario Dietetic Internship Program a comprehensive internship program that offers a wide range of challenging learning experiences in a variety of practice settings. The program offers diverse and distributed experiences in the provision of nutrition care across the health-care continuum. Clinical Faculty can:
- Lead a research development workshop (faculty foster critical thinking, questioning and research skills)
- Mentor dietetic interns as a practice-based project advisor (provide resources and mentoring to design and carry out scientifically sound and relevant research)
- Facilitate a practice-focused session (students are taught to apply best practices and refine nutrition assessment skills and care plan approaches in specialty areas)
- Teach a skill enhancement session (lecture sessions are dedicated to enhancing a wide range of skills across practice areas)
- Provide clinical teaching opportunities (supervision of learners as they refine their communication, physical examination and management approaches)
- Engage in curriculum development activities (advise re: curriculum content, curriculum renewal, write cases and assessment questions)
Program Contact
Ms. Cara Green, NODIP Program Manager
Email: cagreen@nosm.ca
Website: nosm.ca/nodip
Continuing Education and Professional Development
Our office looks forward to assisting faculty with their specific educational needs along the continuum of medical education, providing expertise in:
- Accreditation support of educational events – CFPC Mainpro+ and RCPSC MOC
- Individual and Local Education Group (LEG) needs analysis – using evidence-based perceived and unperceived education gap identification to plan effective educational activities
- Development of learning objectives – strengthening ideas with educational and pedagogical best practices
- Planning and delivery of educational events – utilizing face to face, online and virtual modalities
- Design, compilation and analysis of session evaluations – utilizing attendee feedback to move educational sessions from good to great
Clinical Faculty can be involved in CEPD by acting as a:
- Continuing medical education (CME)/faculty development (FD) facilitator – provide education sessions on a wide range of topics that are relevant to education and the healthcare of Northern Ontarians
- Medical Reviewer of FD and CME applications for CFPC Mainpro+ and RCPSC MOC accreditation
- Faculty Development leads within LEGs (as permittable/necessary by specific LEG structure)
- Member of CEPD committees and working groups: Program Planning Working Group; Faculty Development Committee; QI/Research Working Group; Scientific program Planning Committees for CPD activities
Northern Ontario Electives Program
- Providing clinical teaching opportunities (supervision of learners as they refine their communication, physical examination and management approaches)
- NOSM U is excited to invite faculty to create new clinical electives. To form a new elective that you are not offering please complete the attached Qualtrics survey to provide the necessary information for posting.
Once complete you will receive an initial acknowledgement from myself and a final confirmation from the community relations unit within two weeks. Survey link: https://nosm.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_26rcNDbLC4Ym6ma. Creating new electives helps strengthen and broaden the learning experiences at NOSM U. Electives provide a means for physician recruitment, faculty development, and enhanced academic experiences at the undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Please feel free to email myself with any questions regarding electives or this new process: Dr. John Coccimiglio, Academic Director Electives, (jcoccimiglio@nosm.ca)
Rehabilitation Sciences
Learners from audiology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech language pathology are offered a wide range of challenging clinical learning experiences in equally challenging health-care settings across Northern Ontario. Learners are enrolled in a program at one of our University Partners, including McMaster University, Queen’s University, the University of Ottawa, the University of Toronto and Western University. Clinical placements expose learners to varied caseloads in a hands-on learning environment that provides insight into the unique cultural and geographic challenges to health care practice and delivery in the North. Clinical Faculty can participate in the Rehabilitation Sciences Program by:
- Providing clinical placement opportunities (supervision of learners as they refine their communication, physical examination and management approaches)
- Providing clinical education workshops and professional development workshops for health sciences clinicians working in Northern Ontario
Program Contact
Ms. Jennie Carroll, Rehabilitation Sciences Manager
Email: jcarroll@nosm.ca
Website: nosm.ca/rehabstudies
Research Initiatives
Research initiatives: The Research Office at NOSM U is available to assist all faculty, including clinical faculty and NOAMA grantees, as they embark on new research endeavours, create new projects and teams, and inspire to conduct research that is from the North and by the North. In keeping with NOSM U’s tradition of a distributed, community engaged model of medical education and research, support is available to all faculty, wherever they choose to live and work. A current list of funding opportunities, awards and supports is available at nosm.ca/research. You may also contact them by emailing research@nosm.ca
Medical Physics Residency Education Program
Primarily working in hospital cancer care centres, medical physicists have specialized education in the application of physics to health care. NOSM University works in collaboration with Health Sciences North and the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre to provide the Medical Physics Residency Education Program (MPREP), which offers education in the clinical application of medical physics with a particular focus on radiation oncology. Clinical Faculty can participate in the MPREP program by:
- Providing clinical placement opportunities (supervision of learners as they refine their communication, physical examination and management approaches)
- Providing research project supervision for residents
Program Contact
Dr. Peter McGhee, MPREP Program Director
Phone: 807-684-7325
Email: pmcghee@nosm.ca
Website: nosm.ca/mprep
Francophone Affairs and Indigenous Affairs
Francophone Affairs offer Clinical Faculty the opportunity to act as a:
- Francophone Clinical Lead (provide guidance, support and mentoring to undergraduate medical students and Francophone Clinical Faculty.
- Assist in the recruitment of Francophone Clinical Faculty for the Undergraduate Medical Education Program.
- Francophone Education Lead (provide guidance and mentoring to residents for the Postgraduate Medical Education Programs)
- Membership on the Francophone Reference Group representing Francophone Clinical Faculty (provide guidance and expertise relating to Francophone Health curriculum)
- Francophone Educator/Facilitator (provide facilitation and guidance during extracurricular education sessions: structured clinical skills, medical terminology, Orientation Week, Academic Week, etc.)
- Francophone advisor (speak to the students and residents about issues relevant to Francophones and their health)
- Continuing medical education/faculty development facilitator (provide education sessions to peers regarding issues that are relevant to Francophones and their health)
- Youth initiative facilitator (provide learning opportunities during the annual CampMed events or field trips to NOSM for the purpose of recruitment/career guidance)
NOSM committees: The Northern Ontario School of Medicine values the contributions of Clinical Faculty and ensures faculty representation on all its major committees. Faculty sitting on NOSM committees have the opportunity to provide input into decision making and learn firsthand when decisions are being made.
Positions of leadership: Clinical Faculty have the opportunity to apply for a position of leadership within the School. Some of the leadership roles include acting as Theme Chair, Phase Coordinator, Program Director or Section Chair, to name a few.
The Indigenous Affairs Office is primarily responsible for providing Indigenous learners and residents with community, culture, academic, recruitment and retention support. Indigenous Affairs staff include the Director, Unit, Recruitment and Support, Community, and Cultural Coordinator. Clinical Faculty can participate in Indigenous Affairs by:
- Providing internal/external sessions regarding Indigenous Health
- Participation in Indigenous Knowledge Sharing Circles
- Participation in volunteer opportunities (youth engagement, mentorship, hiring or search committees)
- Sharing space in one of the two Cultural Rooms at each campus
Contact us
Sarah Jacko, Unit Coordinator
Phone: 807-766-7487
Email: indigenous@nosm.ca
Website: https://www.nosm.ca/our-community/indigenous-medical-education/
This is truly an exciting time for health-care education and the communities of Northern Ontario. Participation from the Clinical Faculty is greatly appreciated and we welcome any comments or questions. Please contact the Clinical Sciences Division at either 705-662-7215 or toll free at 877-678-7358. You can also email divclinsci@nosm.ca for further information or assistance. We sincerely value your contributions and look forward to securing involvement with you, your practice, and community.
Many of your colleagues are faculty members… we hope you will join them.
Regulated Health Professionals in Ontario
Regulated Health Professionals in Ontario
NOSM University may be recruiting health care professionals for academic appointments and instructional positions, based on need in some areas. For information about needs in your area, interested applicants can contact divclinsci@nosm.ca