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Postgraduate Medical Education Office

The Postgraduate Medical Education Office (PGME Office) of NOSM University is here to support you throughout your residency journey. We also provide core operational support for all of NOSM University’s postgraduate residency training programs.

Along with Program Coordinators and Program Directors, the PGME Office staff and management are here to be helpful, to answer questions and to assist with problem solving.

If you have questions about how the PGME Office can support you, or you need assistance, please contact

The Postgraduate Medical Education Office oversees:

Educational Activities

Promotion and Recruitment

  • Working with all programs on program promotion, the NOSM University residency selection and program admissions process via the CaRMS match and special event management



Rob Anderson

Dr. Rob Anderson

Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education

Dr. Rob Anderson is a highly regarded clinician at Health Sciences North in Sudbury where he has practiced anesthesiology and critical care medicine since 2006. He completed his medical degree at McMaster University and then went on to Queens’ University to train in anesthesiology, perioperative transesophageal echocardiography and critical care medicine. He is a former program director, Competency-Based Medical Education lead and a passionate educator. Dr. Anderson oversees the academic elements of all NOSM University residency and health sciences programs while establishing and maintaining collaborative partnerships with residency and health sciences program stakeholders to advance the vision and mission of NOSM University.


Policies and Forms

Policies and Forms

Resident Wellness

Resident Wellness

Goals and Objectives

Goals and Objectives

Residency Programs

Residency Programs