Postgraduate Medical Education, Education Advisory Board (EAB) Committee
The purpose of NOSM University PGME’s EAB is to provide advice, resources and support to any Residency Program, Program Director or Site Director, or Resident with creating and implementing effective individual educational/learning plans.
The EAB is responsible for overseeing the process by which postgraduate learners (residents, clinical fellows) experiencing academic difficulties and Residency Programs are assisted and supported to address these difficulties.
Residents are strongly encouraged to ask for assistance from the EAB particularly under situations of Remediation and Probation.
Please visit the Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) Policy and Procedures website for the Assessment of Resident Performance outlines the principles of in-training assessment and promotion of residents in all Postgraduate programs at NOSM University.
About Us
EAB Chair
Dr. Emmanuel O. Abara, EAB Chair
Having access to the EAB Chair for support and resources is important to both resident learners and the Residency Programs. Dr. Emmanuel O. Abara graduated in 1976 from the University of Ibadan as a Gold medalist in Community health and received the Blair-Aitken Prize in Surgery. He completed General Surgery training at the Universities of Benin and Port Harcourt, and a Urology Residency at the University of Toronto, with Fellowship in General Urology, Urodynamics, Pediatric urology and Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy. He is currently a Director at the Richmond Hill Urology Practice and Prostate Institute, and works as a Consultant Urologist for Notre Dame Hospital, Hearst; The General Hospital, Smooth Rock Falls and Sensenbrenner Hospital, Kapuskasing. He is an Associate Professor, Division of Clinical Sciences, NOSM University with a special interest in rural and global health and use of technology in health services e.g., telemedicine.
EAB Committee Team
Dr. Chris Rossi, EAB Faculty Member
Dr Rossi is a Family Physician from Sault Ste Marie. She has been involved with teaching both medical students and residents for over 20 years. She has held the positions of Chair of the Section of Family Medicine at NOSM University and of Sault Ste Marie Site Director for the NOSM University Family Medicine Program for many years. Dr. Rossi has retired from her Family Practice and is now engaged in doing locum work in Family medicine in Sault Ste Marie.
Dr. Adedayo, Alabi, EAB Faculty Member
Dr. Adedayo Alabi is a Forensic Psychiatrist at North Bay Regional Health Centre -NBRHC. He is an Assistant Professor & an Academic Advisor for the Psychiatry Program at NOSM University and was the Academic Coordinator for Psychiatry Program three years running up until summer 2022. He provides a medical lead for Specialized Provincial Women’s Medium Secure Service, Hummingbird Lodge at NBRHC and is a member of the NBRHC Ethics Committee.
Adedayo Alabi received his medical degree from University College Hospital, Ibadan, in Western Nigeria. He completed Forensic Psychiatry with the Royal College of Psychiatrists, United Kingdom. He obtained a master in Psychotherapeutics and a PG Award in Good Medical Practice. He is an approved clinician in England & Wales and a registered member of the General Medical Council, UK. Whilst at the UK, he was a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist at the National Women Personality Disorder Service at Rampton High Secure Hospital, and also at Women’s Enhanced Medium Secure Service at Arnold Lodge, Leicestershire. He holds various memberships, including the International Association of Forensic Psychotherapy. He is a recognized specialist with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Adedayo Alabi has special interests in Women’s Forensic Psychiatry, Medical Education and Neuropsychiatry. He has presented topics in Women’s Forensic Psychiatry at conferences in Europe and Canada.
Dr. Salima Oukachbi, EAB Faculty Member
Bio and photo pending
PGME Office Support
Kate Kearney, PGME Office Manager- kkearney@nosm.ca
Rebecca Maskevich, PGME Coordinator, Resident Affairs- pge.eab@nosm.ca
EAB Support for Residents
PGME Education Advisory Board (EAB) Chair
A resident can approach the EAB with concerns around their remediation/probation plan, if they need any clarification of the Assessment Policy, or if they have any questions on the NOSM University remediation process. Residents are encouraged to email Dr. Azad, the EAB Chair at pge.eab@nosm.ca.
The Resident Wellness Program
The Resident Wellness Senior Learner Affairs Officer (LAO) and the Assistant Dean Resident Affairs (ADRA) are available to residents for coaching and brief advice pertaining to wellness issues. They can also help you locate and coordinate wellness resources. We encourage any resident experiencing academic or occupational distress to reach out given that wellness issues are often interconnected. Please visit Resident Wellness Program website.
Learner Support Services (LSS)
Senior Learner Affairs Officers (LAOs)
Homewood Health Student Assistance Program (SAP)
All NOSM University learners will have access to the SAP services through Homewood Health. Homewood Health is known for its personal touch and exceptional level of clinical service delivery. The SAP program from Homewood Health will include several new services and will provide access to a full range of health and wellness services
Residents are encouraged to use the SAP at any time. To contact Homewood Health 24/7/365-day you may call them at 1-800-663-1142 (EN) or 1-866-398-9505 (FR) or visit homeweb.ca and log into Member Services to access the SAP online services.
The Professional Association of Residents of Ontario (PARO)
Paro is your professional association responsible for negotiating and upholding your PARO-OTH Collective Agreement, as well as providing direct support services for its members.
PARO maintains a 24h helpline, which is a confidential support service for residents and their families. The toll-free number is accessible anywhere in Ontario.
PARO Help Line: 1-866-HELP-DOC (1-866-435-7362). Additional information can be found at www.myparo.ca/helpline.
The PARO website also includes wellness information, tips for thriving in residency and strategies for stress. These and other resources can be found here: www.myparo.ca.
Ontario Medical Association Physician Health Program (PHP)
The Ontario Medical Association Physician Health Program (PHP) provides a range of direct services to physicians, residents and medical students, as well as supportive services to family members.
The PHP provides confidential support for individuals who are struggling with substance use and mental health concerns, as well as with other behaviours that have a personal and professional impact. The PHP also offers support and education to physician leaders, hospitals, and other worksites; as well as to anyone else who is concerned about a loved one or colleague.
PHP support is responsive, helpful and knowledgeable about local resources. All PHP services are confidential, and residents are referred to appropriate services geared to caring for physicians in their own community, or one nearby if preferred.
The OMA Physician Health Program can be reached through their confidential line at: 1-800-851-6606 (Ontario only). Additional information is available online at php.oma.org.
Learner Mistreatment
NOSM University is committed to creating a climate of inclusiveness, responsiveness, understanding, and respect for the dignity and worth of every person in order to create the best possible environment for learning, working, and research.
To learn more about learner mistreatment, please visit Culture NOSM University website.
EAB Support for Programs and Staff
PGME Residency Program Directors seek the input of the Education Advisory Board (EAB) in the development of the remediation program. All remediation and probation plans, once completed, must be referred to the EAB for review and comment before being finalized for ratification by the Residency Program Committee.
The Residency Program represented by the Program Director or Site Director is expected to seek assistance from the EAB with the Remediation or Probation Plan and is encouraged to share Enhanced Learning Plans (ELPs) with the EAB for feedback.
Residents are given the opportunity to request an EAB Faculty member or a resident EAB member not be involved in the review of their remediation plan due to a Conflict of interest. Potential conflicts of interest could include, but are not limited to:
- Any close personal relationships with a resident under review with an EAB member.
- Clinical teacher or resident who is directly involved in a rotation/learning experience of concern.
The PGME Residency Programs are encouraged to reach out for additional EAB assistance if needed. We can provide support, offer guidance, and share resources to residency program staff, program directors, and site directors requesting guidance with creating and implementing effective individual educational/learning plans.
EAB Related Articles and Resources
NOSM University PGME EAB Library Resources
The EAB Committee has compiled a repository of EAB focused articles and resources to assist Residency Programs. We also encourage NOSM University staff, faculty, and learners to visit the NOSM U Library EAB resource page To access the website, please visit the EAB Library resource page to view some EAB specific articles.
If you would like any additional articles related to EAB added to our library website, page please email your article suggestions to pge.eab@nosm.ca.