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Resident Safety

Resident Safety Policy

NOSM University is committed to the promotion of health, safety and well-being of all residents. Please take the time to read the Resident Safety Policy (under the Resident Supervision, Wellness, Health and Safety section of the PGME Policy website) which has important information on after-hours consultations, patient encounters, travel, and psychological safety.

Discrimination and Harassment Policy

NOSM University is committed to creating a climate of inclusiveness, responsiveness, understanding and respect for the dignity and worth of every person in order to create the best possible environment for working, learning and research. Please read the Procedures for Responding to Resident Concerns of Mistreatment and NOSM University’s Policies and Procedure on Human Rights, Anti-Discrimination and Harassment. These documents outline the process of discussing and/or reporting incidents and issues.

Resident Supervision Policy

Clinical faculty have a professional responsibility for safe and effective patient care and appropriate supervision of residents. Supervision must provide opportunities for residents to assume graduated responsibility appropriate to their competencies and stage of training. The goal is to provide a clinical learning environment that models high quality care and appropriate support to residents’ education. For further information, please review the Supervision Policy.