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Research Office & Health Sciences Library

Health Sciences Library:

The Health Sciences Library offers resources and services to support our residents.

Details about those services, and access to the resources, is available from the library website.

In order to access any of the licensed resources from off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your NOSM University username & password – for more information see our FAQ.

Research consultations are available to residents seeking library support for their scholarly projects. During a research consultation librarians can:

  1. Offer assistance with search strategies
  2. Advise on search terminology (e.g. MeSH and other subject headings)
  3. Provide guidance to and/or instruction on database selection (e.g. Medline, CINAHL, etc.)
  4. Provide support with citation management tools (e.g. Zotero)
  5. Provide support on where and how to publish research
  6. Orient residents to other library services or resources available in support of research (e.g. interlibrary loans)

To request a research consultation complete the “Book a Librarian” request form.

If you have any questions, please contact

Research Services Office:

The Research Services Office can assist residents with administrative guidance when involved with research projects. Residents are encouraged to subscribe to the bi-weekly newsletter, Research Matters.  In the newsletter you will find funding opportunities, research news, and related event details.

Residents interested in learning about research at NOSM University can also find more information by visiting the website.

Residents looking for research awards and funding are encouraged to go to Resident Research Funding Opportunities or explore NOSM University Internal Funding Opportunities.

If you have any questions, please contact