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Transition to Practice Stream

The transition to practice (TTP) mentorship program provides support to guide and nurture new clinicians in their transition to practice. Through this stream, we match residents at NOSM U with clinical faculty in Northern Ontario who can help to mentor them as they move from residency to their new clinical environment.

Our objectives through this stream include:

  • Fostering meaningful connections between emerging clinicians and seasoned physicians, establishing a mentorship relationship that supports the transition from academic training to family and specialty medical practices.
  • Directly contributing to addressing the critical need for skilled physicians in Northern Ontario areas, aligning with the identified need for robust support systems during the transition phase for clinicians entering into practice.

TTP Mentees

  • Who are the mentees?:The TTP stream is tailored to residents in their final year who will be entering practice. The program is open to all residents at NOSM University in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and who are eligible for independent licensure by end of March 2025. Your mentor will be funded if they are NOSM U faculty in Northern Ontario and willing to complete the CPD skills development for mentorship
  • The Commitment: Engage in up to 10 hours of mentor time over a 12-month period, starting as you enter practice after July 1, 2024. Apply early as the program fills on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Tracking and Evaluation: In addition to meeting with mentors, mentees participate in program evaluation to help improve CAMINO.

Apply to become a TTP mentee:

Interested residents are encouraged to apply by completing the Expression of Interest and a representative from the OPWS will be in touch with next steps.

TTP Mentors

Mentors support the professional growth of newly graduated residents and offer them guidance on their transition into practice. Mentors will be selected based on a decision matrix considering their area of expertise, years in practice and geographic location.  If a mentee has a mentor that they have already identified, and they would like to formalize the mentoring relationship we can support the formalizing of that connection.

Time commitment: Participate in up to 10 hours of mentorship (in person or virtual) per academic year.

  • Attend a 2-hour virtual orientation and skills development session in June/July 2024.
  • Complete three skills development sessions and a self-paced online module for continuing professional development.
  • Fill out a brief mid-point survey and a final evaluation to help enhance the program.

Apply to become a TTP mentor

NOSM faculty interested in serving as mentors are invited to complete an expression of interest.

Timeline and commitment: Mentors meet virtually or in person for up to 10 hours of paid mentor time over a 12-month period.