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Learners whose fees are to be paid by an external agency/organization/band must provide NOSM University written authorization from the sponsor each applicable term.

The Sponsoring Organization can either download and complete the Sponsorship Authorization Form and return to via email.


submit a Sponsorship letter to via email following the criteria below.

A sponsorship letter must be on the agency’s letterhead, and include the following information:

  • Learner’s full name and NOSM U student ID number
  • Duration of sponsorship (2023FW Fall/Winter, 2024 Spring/Summer)
  • Items covered (Tuition, Ancillary Fees, Health & Dental Insurance)
  • Maximum coverage if applicable (per year)
  • Name, address, and email address of contact person, for billing purposes
  • Email address of agency, for billing purposes

Please note that all sponsored learners with registration adjustments resulting in a credit balance will be directed to the original payer in the case of an eligible refund.