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NOSM Announces Dr. Louise Logan as Lead Clinician of NOSM’s Resident Wellness Program

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is pleased to announce Dr. Louise Logan has accepted the position of Lead Clinician of the NOSM Resident Wellness Program with Postgraduate Medical Education’s (PGME) Wellness Office, beginning July 1, 2020. “This is a critical role at NOSM and I’m very proud to pass the baton to Dr. Logan. I look forward to supporting her transition into this role and seeing her further develop the Resident Wellness Program,” says Dr. Jonathan DellaVedova, the School’s inaugural Lead Clinician of the program. His term ends September 30, 2020, with overlap for transition. Dr. Vivian Leung, ch...

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Dr. Claudio Soares, on behalf of the ACPC (Association of Chairs of Psychiatry of Canada) To date, COVID-19 pandemic responses have focused on reducing the risk of spread of infection, treating severely ill, and sustaining healthcare system capacity. While concerns about the general population's mental distress are being addressed through various online support strategies, these initiatives do not address COVID-19-related threats to mental health in people with serious mental illnesses or addictions, vulnerable populations in violent living situations, and frontline healthcare providers. We call on government, business, and civi...

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NOSM and Associated Medical Services Announce Historic First: Research Chair in Indigenous Health and Traditional Medicine

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and Associated Medical Services (AMS) are pleased to announce the historic appointment of Dr. Darrel Manitowabi as the NOSM-AMS Hannah Chair in the History of Indigenous Health and Indigenous Traditional Medicine for a five year renewable term effective July 1, 2020. “The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is deeply honoured to have Dr. Darrel Manitowabi take on this valuable position,” says Dr. Sarita Verma, NOSM Dean, President and CEO. “We are taking another major step in addressing how colonialism has affected the health and wellbeing of First Nations communities by no longer a...

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