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CampMed Testimonials

I just wanted to say that you guys are doing an amazing job with the sessions. Each PowerPoint presentation is very thorough and educative. My favourite session was the medical specialties one, but although it’s still the beginning of the second week I am open to new favorites! I’m very glad I registered for the virtual sessions this year!!

– Chelsea, CampMed 2021

I just finished the Cedar Tea by the Campfire Workshop, and I just wanted to say that I loved it! I loved all the presentation, the interactions, and all the time put into it, and into all the CampMed! It’s super interesting and I have learned so much. I’m glad I decided to apply to this and get accepted! Thank you so much for everything, this amazing account, the prerecorded videos, and all the live workshops!

– Ania, CampMed 2021

My favourite workshops are both “So you wanna be a doctor, eh?” and the suturing workshop. My favourite part of these workshops this year is hearing everyone’s different story on how they got to be where they are today and learning new skills that I haven’t known before.

– Amber, CampMed 2021

I had so so much fun overall!! Really enjoyed the Bias in Medicine as it provided great insight and valuable lessons that I will be able to apply in my future career as a Physician as well as on a day-to-day basis!!

– Carys, CampMed 2021

I’d have to say my favourite workshop so far in camp med would be the Medical Sorting Hat. I really enjoyed the guest speaker and it was very helpful in teaching me that I don’t have to pick a specific medical field right away. Thank you so much for this opportunity!

– Anneliese, CampMed 2021

I loved all of the workshops this year thank you so much for this experience I am excited about next year and I hope I get to join next year.

– Ashley, CampMed 2021

It was so amazing thank you!! I had an amazing time! My favourite sessions were the suturing and admissions ones.

– Sara, CampMed 2021

Thank you so much for organizing this very educational and fun virtual camp! I had a great time and learned so much about the health and medical field. I will definitely be back next year! I really appreciate all the work and volunteering that really ensured the camp’s success. Looking forward to next summer camp!

– Mia, CampMed 2021

I also want to say thank you for organizing CampMed this year, I had such an amazing time and learned so much! All of the volunteers were incredible and had amazing workshops. I hope to get the opportunity to volunteer with CampMed in the future.

– Josée, CampMed 2021

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