Homepage News
Northern Constellations 2019
NOSM will host its 8th annual Faculty Development Conference Northern Constellations 2019, on May 3-4 in Sudbury, Ontario. The annual Northern Constellations Faculty Development Conference welcomes faculty from across Northern Ontario for a two-day conference that offers a wide variety of innovative and interactive workshops planned to meet the learning needs of each individual faculty member. These workshops give faculty multiple forums to share experiences and challenges along with opportunities to improve specific skills in the areas teaching and preceptoring, educational and administrative leadership, along with scholarly and r...
Northern Constellations 2019Save the date: NHRC 2018
The next Northern Health Research Conference is being held in Kenora, Ontario on September 21-22, 2018. The Northern Ontario School of Medicine's Northern Health Research Conference—more commonly known as the NHRC—has been held annually since 2006. It is hosted in communities across NOSM's wider campus of Northern Ontario and provides an opportunity for researchers in the region to present their research and exchange research ideas. This conference demonstrates NOSM’s commitment to research, health care, and education to the people of Northern Ontario and beyond. The NHRC explores research activities arising from community-ba...
More about NHRC 2018Health Science Library
Pay It Forward! The Health Sciences Library of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) welcomes gifts, as they are an important means of building the Library’s collection. The Library adheres to the protocols and procedures established by NOSM’s Advancement Office and Revenue Canada. A gift can be a book, journal or other resource that is given to the Library at no charge; a gift may also be a monetary donation to be used towards the purchase of library materials. For assistance, please contact askthelibrary@nosm.ca. Donors: Donors will be expected to deliver the gifts at their own expense. A Gift Approval For...
Pay It Forward!