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Giving to NOSM University


Every gift to NOSM University, no matter the size, makes a positive impact on our students, faculty, and researchers, providing them with opportunities to be extraordinary. Your gift can be directed to any of our areas of support, or be directed to our Visionary Fund to support NOSM University’s highest priorities. Please reach out to our Advancement Office to discuss the best way for you to make an impact.

Ways to Give

Monthly and Annual Giving

Monthly and Annual Giving is an easy and convenient way to make a large impact on NOSM University.  These donations allow us to support ongoing programs and student awards.

Your donation can be automatically withdrawn from your bank account or charged to your credit card.  Your contributions are fully tax deductible. In February of each year, we will send you a tax receipt for your previous year’s donations.

Please let us know if you would like to be reminded of an annual gift and we would be happy to send you one.

Memorial Gifts

Memorial gifts pay tribute to the memory of a person who has passed away, and can be used to express sympathy to the family.  A memorial gift is a lasting way to remember someone special, by making an investment in NOSM University’s future with a one-time donation or by creating a memorial fund to support a scholarship, bursary or priority project.

List of Memorial Funds

Tribute Gifts

Gifts can be made to honour an important person, like a teacher, doctor or friend that has played an important role in your life or the life of a love one. Tribute gifts celebrate a graduation, birthday celebrations, retirements, or just simply to say thank you.

Gifts of Securities

Gifts of publicly securities are eligible for a charitable donation receipt for the appreciated value of the donation –free from any capital gains tax. Gifts of securities can be made now or through your Will. Any gift of securities made now or through your Will should be discussed with your lawyer, financial consultant or accountant.

In order to make a gift of securities, please fill out this form.

Transformational Gifts

Major gifts of $25,000 or more have a powerful impact on the health of people in  Northern Ontario. The NOSM University Advancement team would be happy to work with all of our donors to help you make your transformational gift to the university. Donations can be remitted as a one time gift or pledged over a period of time and are eligible for a charitable donation receipt.

Planned and Legacy Gifts

Legacy gifts are an increasingly important source of support for NOSM University in helping us train and keep health care professionals in the North.

A gift in your Will can:

  1. create a student bursary
  2. fund research and programs
  3. support graduate programs

A gift in your Will is:

  • simple
  • flexible
  • offers tax advantages
  • impactful and personalized
  • rooted in community

NOSM University’s Advancement Office would be pleased to discuss options with you or your estate representative about making a legacy gift to the university.  Feel free to contact us at

Additional Resources:

Charitable Registration Number for NOSM University is: 86466 0352 RR0001

Will template with sample language: SAMPLE

Our Addresses:

Thunder Bay campus:  955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1

Sudbury campus: 935 Ramsey Lake Rd., Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6

**Please let us know if you have already named NOSM University in your Will or estate plan so we can personally thank you for your thoughtful commitment.

Payroll Contributions for NOSM University Staff and Faculty

Every day, NOSM University’s faculty and staff give their time and energy to help our students achieve their dreams. A payroll contribution pledge is an easy and affordable way for staff and faculty to have an even bigger impact on our students. These meaningful donations show our students that we believe in them and want them to succeed. Start your contributions here.

Whole Body Donation

At this time NOSM University is not accepting whole body donations. For more information on whole body donations in Ontario please visit

To ensure that your gift has an optimal impact on NOSM University and our learners, please consult an advisor who is well informed with your financial situation. Our Advancement team would be happy to discuss funding opportunities as well as guide you through the donation process and offer you the proper recognition for your gift.

For more information email or call 1-705-662-7154