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A multi-ethnic group of college age students are sitting in a row in a lecture hall and are listening to their professor.

Information for Administration and Faculty

NOSM is embracing accreditation as part of its philosophy of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). The accreditation process is an opportunity for us to identify and implement necessary changes.

Accreditation is a whole school responsibility and requires a collaborative approach.

It is our goal to encourage questions, identify concerns, and resolve them prior to the visit.

Understanding the Accreditation Process

Accreditation is a process by which institutions and programs voluntarily undergo an extensive peer evaluation of their compliance with accepted standards for educational quality.

What is Accreditation?
Infographics created by Tharshika Thangarasa and Alyssa Archibald.

Accreditation Standards and Elements

The Committee on the Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS) Standards and Elements provide the basis by which the quality of Canadian medical education programs leading to the M.D. degree will be judged in the peer-review process of accreditation.

There are 12 Standards composed of 96 Elements (see Short Titles).

Executive Group and Element Leads

Responsibility for each standard/element has been assigned to both a NOSM Executive Group Member and Element Lead.

Executive Group Members

  • Dr. Sarita Verma, NOSM Dean, President and CEO
  • Dr. Catherine Cervin, Vice Dean, Academic
  • Dr. Penny Moody-Corbett, Associate Dean, Research Associate Dean, Community Engagement
  • Dr. Brian Ross, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education
  • Dr. Janice Willett Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs
  • Mr. Ray Hunt, Chief Operating Officer

Element Leads

  • Nicole Lauzon, Chief of Staff, Dean’s Office
  • John Friesen, Director, UME Administration
  • Grace Vita, Director, Planning and Risk
  • Dr. Harshad Telang, Division Head – Clinical Sciences & Assistant Professor
  • Gina Kennedy, Secretary to Board of Directors & Academic Council & Joint Senate
  • Lynn Aubry-Yates, Director, Human Resources
  • Anita Arella, Director, Faculty Affairs and Continuing Education and Professional Development
  • Kathleen Beatty, Director of Learner Affairs and Equity
  • Mathieu Litalien, Director, Quality Improvement and Strategic Management
  • Dr. Jason Shack, Assistant Dean, Learner Affairs
  • Joe Lipinski, Director of Finance and Facilities
  • Stephen Kelly, Director, Information Technology
  • Dr. James Goertzen, Assistant Dean, CEPD & Associate Professor
  • Dr. Lee Toner, Assistant Program Director, Emergency Medicine
  • Jeff Bachiu, UME Administrative Manager, Curriculum & Planning
  • Sheila Renton, Community Learning Sessions (CLS) Coordinator
  • Dr. Geoffrey Hudson, Associate Professor, Historian of Medicine Human Science
  • Sherrie-Ann Camilli, UME Administrative Manager, Program Delivery
  • Michelle Allain
  • Dr. Elaine Hogard, Director of Assessment and Evaluation
  • Dr. Zacharias Suntres, Professor, Medical Sciences
  • Miriam Cain, Director, Admissions and Learner Recruitment
  • Jennifer Fawcett, Interim Senior Director, Postgraduate Education
  • Dr. TC Tai, Assistant Dean, Research & Professor
  • Patty Fink, Director, Research and Health Sciences Library

Attached is a master document outlining the division of assignments. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to submit input regarding any of the accreditation elements, please contact the assigned Element Lead directly, or email us at

Branding Toolkit

To help the NOSM community get informed, stay informed, and educate others on the role of accreditation in maintaining standards of educational quality, we have created an accreditation branding toolkit.

In it, you will find:

Please take the time to download and make use of these tools.

Medical School Self-Study (MSS) Team Support

In response to questions regarding the MSS process, we have to put together the following support tools for MSS teams:

  1. MSS Q&A: Here you will find the responses to frequently asked questions. If you have any questions which are not answered here, you may submit them to the MSS Subcommittee Co-Chairs. We ask that the questions be limited to general MSS questions. All questions will be answered within one business day.
  2. MSS Clarification Form: If you are unable to complete your MSS Element Evaluation Form because you need element-specific clarification, we ask that you fill out the MSS Clarification Form. Please submit your form to Mat Litalien at


To learn more about the accreditation process and NOSM’s MD Program Accreditation Full Site Visit, please visit

Please direct any questions or concerns to