Everyone needs support from time to time. Let’s normalize reaching out for help and advocating for one another when necessary. Eliminating stigma or shame around accessing additional support is an important first step. You are not alone.
Supporting Learners for Success
By providing the highest quality of services to learners, NOSM University will help to foster the best environment for learning in their personal and academic development as health professionals. Learner Support Services work to enhance the experience of learners at all stages of their time with NOSM University through the provision of a range of professional services.
NOSM University’s Learner Support Services Office operates in consultation with the academic program but is a confidential service for individual learners, at arm’s length from academics. Learner Support Services offers services and support which assist learners academically, personally and financially. It also has a primary role in career development, learner wellness and support for learner initiatives. We support learners by being accessible and responsive. Learner Support Services works with faculty and administration to facilitate a positive learning environment based on mutual respect. If you have been contacted by the Committee for Supporting Student Professionalism (CSSP), the Learner Affairs Officers can provide confidential support.
Primary Services
Health and Wellness
The health and wellness of all learners is our top priority at Learner Support Services. We provide support to learners to help them cope with the challenges in university, as well as develop the knowledge, skills, and habits that will allow them to excel in their careers.
Learner Affairs Officers (LAOs) provide this support through individual meetings and group sessions. When appropriate, referrals are made to external agencies, such as Counselling & Health services at Homewood Health, OMA Physician Health Program, CAMH, or other community partners. We also have the Virtual Health and Wellness Hub and NOSM U Well App to provide 24/7 access to valuable information, self care tools, and wellness resources for your needs. As a learner, you have a variety of resources available in support of your wellbeing.
Accommodations and Accessibility
Learner Support Services is committed to assisting learners with disabilities so that they may succeed in their program, and this includes the learner’s right to reasonable accommodation. It is the learner’s responsibility to initiate the process of requesting accommodations by contacting the Accessibility Advisor or a Learner Affairs Officer in confidence as soon as possible after accepting an offer of admission to NOSM University. If you have any documented disabilities or medical conditions that may affect your education, it is advisable that you reach out immediately.
For more information or to request an accommodation, visit Accommodation and Accessibility.
Financial Aid
To enhance your financial literacy and wellness, we encourage you to reach out to the Financial Aid Office early in your academic careers to discuss your financial needs and explore available aid options. The Financial Aid Officer provides information and support for learners regarding provincial loan programs (e.g. OSAP), budgeting, financial planning, and information on bursaries, awards, scholarships, and debt management education.
They can also assist you with funding applications, vetting scholarship opportunities and navigating emergency financial situations. For more information, please refer to the page on Financial Assistance.
Career and Professional Development
The Learner Support Services comprehensive Career Advising Program provides career development sessions to help you better understand yourself, explore electives and medical specialties, and apply for residency programs. The Learner Support Services staff offers group and individual programming, provide information, guidance, and resources to help you find the specialty that best suits your personality, goals, preferences, and values. Career sessions are listed in your Phase 1 timetable.
Some components of this Program are mandatory curriculum in the UME Program, some are optional and more suited to the personal interests and choices of students. All the programming is designed and timed to best suit students’ needs.
Further Information and resources can be found here: MyCurriculum
Career Development Program
The Career Advising Program, continues throughout all four years of the undergraduate medical curriculum, anticipating students’ needs at each stage of their medical education. The program is based in part on the Careers in Medicine (CiM) program and delivers content to students at relevant times during their undergraduate medical education program. The multi-year plan is designed to build annually upon students’ experiences. The program is designed to support students who are at various stages of determining their future career goals.
Students are encouraged to engage in honest and accurate self-assessment in order to better develop an understanding of what medical specialty is the best fit. Career tools and resources are introduced to students so that they can simultaneously begin to explore the specialty options available within a field of medicine and work towards creating a career plan. In year 3, Phase 2, students are encouraged to explore different opportunities in medicine, in the northern context and beyond, narrow down specialty choices, and plan their 4th-year electives rotations as well as prepare their residency applications (CaRMS). In year 4, Phase 3, students begin the application process for matching to residency programs (CaRMS) which involves finalizing a CV, personal statement and preparing for interviews and finalizing all required electives.
Most Career Advising group sessions are delivered to Phase 1 students (year 1 and 2) so they have some career tools and an understanding of future career planning. The year 1 and 2 students attend individual career advising sessions with a Learner Affairs Officer who assists students with their career development. During Integrated Clinical Experience placements (ICE), students are encouraged to connect with Learner Affairs Officers to continue discussions about career plans as questions arise. Providing career resources, early on in the undergraduate medical education program, allows students to use opportunities of interaction with physicians in different specialties as a method of increasing their awareness and understanding,. It also allows students to further develop some of their clinical skills (connecting with physicians as mentors and advisors).
Career Planning Goals
Phase 1 – Year 1 and 2
- Understanding Yourself and Your Career Options
- Taking time to understand individual values, skills, and interests related to career and lifestyle choices
- Developing a Career Plan and Exploring Options
- Seeking out information to help with career decisions
Phase 2 – Year 3
- Choosing/Narrowing Down Specialties & Considering Residency Program Requirements
- Using resources in the clerkship setting and planning ahead for electives to help eliminate options and narrow down specialties.
Phase 3 – Year 4
- Decision Making & Matching to a Residency Program
- Being informed on how to create effective application packages and candidate presentation skills for the residency match, using clinical opportunities such as rotations and electives for career development, and understanding the fit between competencies and the discipline/residency requirements.
Theme 6 – Medical Career
The Medical Career (Theme 6) curriculum addresses relevant aspects of professional identity and career development, concepts of wellness and financial and practice management to support socially accountable physicians in the Northern and Rural context. Theme 6 explores the knowledge, skills, behaviours, and attitudes required to career plan and develop personal wellness strategies while practicing in a socially accountable manner.
Topics covered include: Introduction to CaRMS, Wellness and Resilience in Medicine, Performing Under Pressure, Dealing with Traumatic Events, and Imposter Syndrome. Theme 6 content is delivered through a variety of methods: whole group sessions, podcasts, and pre-recorded sessions. The sessions are delivered by Faculty as well as Learner Support Services.
Getting To Know your LAOs
Your Learner Affairs Officers are more than just available resources, they are dedicated professionals who are committed to your success at NOSM University. Each Officer brings unique expertise and a compassionate approach to address the challenges you might encounter during your career. With varying years of experience, they’ve supported many of your predecessors who have faced similar experiences and gained valuable insights to guide you on the right path. With time, they’ve evolved and understand the modern needs of learners, enabling them to implement effective strategies and provide you with the best possible support during your educational journey.
Some of the ways the LAOs invest in your success are by providing guidance on your career development, advocating for learners’ needs, facilitating skill enhancement workshops, and connecting learners to relevant resources. To get know more about NOSM University’s Learner Affairs Officers, please visit the Officers.
Book an Appointment with your LAO
It is natural to sometimes feel hesitant to reach out for help, but seeking assistance when you need it is an important step on the ladder to your success. Whether you are facing academic challenges, seeking career guidance, or looking for resources related to your wellbeing, your LAO is here to help. Booking an appointment with your LAO is simple and can make a difference in your educational experience.
Remember that asking for help is a sign of strength and a proactive approach to your success. To schedule an appointment with an LAO, please review their available Time Slots.
Faculty Advisors
In addition to the support they provide, the Learner Affairs Officers collaborate with the Faculty Advisors to enhance NOSM University’s confidential career advising system. The Faculty Advisors assist you in exploring career options and determining the best paths forward in your training. Your LAO will facilitate referrals to the Faculty Advisors as needed, so don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Get to know more about the current UME Student Faculty Advisors.