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Physician Workforce Opportunities & Resources

Northern Ontario has much to offer!

Stay for a bit or stay for a lifetime – there are a wide variety of opportunities for you to explore.

At NOSM University, we are working hard to support a shift from a historically fragile workforce to one which is flourishing – both clinically and academically.

Physician Employment Opportunities

For work in Ontario, the Ministry of Health has launched an updated website with information on programs and supports available for physicians pursuing a career in Ontario. Learn more about these programs on the Government of Ontario website.  Some of these initiatives apply to Northern or rural Ontario only.

Interested in locuming or a longer term career opportunity in Northern Ontario? Check out the links below for opportunities that are being shared by Ontario Health or on

The Health Force Ontario
(HFO) portal
lists many
work opportunities
for physicians.

Sign in is required.

A selection of jobs in the communities of Northern Ontario can be viewed on this site:
No sign in is required.
**NOTE that all ads for N. Ontario jobs
are free in 2024**

A summary of permanent and locum work
for family physicians in Northern Ontario
can be viewed in this PDF.

Last update: June 2024

Recruitment and Locum Resources

For Communities

Are you looking to recruit? There are a number of tools available to assist communities with recruitment.

Planning your workforce

Planning, recruiting and retaining

The HFO recruitment essentials toolkit is available here:

The Community Assessment Visit Program

There is funding available to bring physicians and their spouse/partner/family to visit a community to which they may be considering relocation. For more information, check out the program information on the Community Assessment Visit Program webpage.

Recruiting new grads to rural practice

If you are interested in recruiting new grads, there are some things that may be helpful for you to know as a recruiter, and as a physician in practice. A CMAJ article with research findings and some infographics to summarize the findings are linked here:

Marketing Opportunities

For 2024, – a nationwide health care workforce job posting site – is offering free job advertising for positions at health care organizations in Northern Ontario. Create your account, message, and your account will be set to free and unlimited job posts for the rest of the year.

For Licensed Physicians interested in Northern Ontario

Locum and practice opportunities

These three sites have information about work opportunities in Northern Ontario. You can search by community and by region.

Ministry of Health incentives for Northern and Rural work

Recruitment and retention to Northern and Rural sites:

  • The Northern and Rural Recruitment and Retention Initiative (NRRRI):The objective of  the NRRRI is to attract physicians to establish a full-time practice in eligible underserviced communities.
  • The NRRRI offers taxable financial recruitment incentives to each eligible physician who establishes a full-time practice in an eligible community of the province. The grants range between $84,718 and $124,730 paid over a four-year period. The financial recruitment incentives will be awarded based on eligibility criteria and considerations related to total NRRRI budget allocations.
  • Retention beyond 4 years:  The Northern Physician Retention Initiative (NPRI) was established as an initiative under the 2000 Ontario Medical Association (OMA) Framework Agreement to enable eligible physicians in northern Ontario to receive the equivalent of a $7,460.95 retention incentive paid at the end of each fiscal year in which they continue to practice full-time in northern Ontario.

Supports for working in ER

Working in ER can be daunting, but the ED Peer-to-Peer real time support is available 24/7 to any Ontario ED now through Ontario Health.  Learn more about it on the Emergency Peer Program webpage or through this QR code.

Virtual critical care services support physicians rural ER’s to manage their most critically ill and injured patients.  Through connecting by video conference to the ICU physician on call in the regional referral centre, as well as the air transportation base hospital physician, physicians can optimize care and transportation of their patients.

There are three virtual critical care supports in Northern Ontario:
  1. Regional Critical Care Response is based in Thunder Bay and serving the hospitals and nursing stations of NW Ontario
  2. Virtual Critical Care is based at Health Sciences North in Thunder Bay and serves the Northeast.

Opportunities for Family Physicians

For Internationally-trained Physicians

Information about licensure

For information about licensure, visit the CPSO website for information for IMGs and registration policies.

Professional practice in Ontario

Explore alternative pathways to professional practice in Ontario through the Restricted Exam.

For US physicians: A roadmap to navigate alternative practice routes in Ontario.

Practice Ready Ontario

  • Practice Ready Ontario streamlines the process for internationally trained physicians who have completed postgraduate training and have experience of independent practice in family medicine or as a general practitioner outside Canada. There is a video that explains the program.
  • Candidate physicians must sign a 3 year Return of Service in a community that has a RIO score of 40 or higher, or one of the Northern Urban Referral Centres (Sudbury, North Bay, Thunder Bay, Timmins, Sault Ste. Marie).
  • Visit the Practice Ready Ontario for information about the new assessment and supervision from CPSO for selected IMG’s and supported through Touchstone Institute.

For International Medical Graduates (IMGs) ROS Program

  • Information about entry level post-graduate training positions available for IMGs can be accessed here. IMGs living in Ontario are encouraged to contact the Ontario Health’s Access Centre
  • Participants in the IMG ROS program are required to practice for five years in an eligible community in exchange for postgraduate medical training. An eligible community is any community in Ontario except for the City of Ottawa and Toronto area (defined as City of Toronto, and neighbouring municipalities of Mississauga, Brampton, Vaughan, Markam and Pickering).

For Post-graduate Trainees: Come to Northern Ontario as a Resident on an Elective

NEW Program – Nor-Star

The Ministry of Health recently announced the Nor-Star (Northern Ontario Resident Streamlined Training and Reimbursement) program, which aims to remove barriers to training more physicians in Northern Ontario through the reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs for residents from any Canadian residency undertaking clinical placements in Northern Ontario.

The program consists of three components:

Locum-Learner Dyads Travel and accommodation reimbursement to medical residents when accompanying faculty physicians from their home institution on locums in the Northeast and Northwest Ontario regions.
Postgraduate Electives Learners Travel and accommodation reimbursement to medical residents completing electives beginning on or after July 1, 2023 in the Northeast and Northwest Ontario regions.
Residents in the Restricted Registration Program Travel and accommodation reimbursement to medical residents providing clinical services in the Northeast and Northwest Ontario regions under the Professional Association of Residents of Ontario Restricted Registration Program.

Read more about Nor-Star.

Medical residents can find out more information on the NOSM U Medical Electives website and view what opportunities are available on the new interactive Clinical Electives Catalogue.

For questions or program inquiries, please contact Nor-Star at

Want to Know More About Communities?

From beautiful landscapes to unique experiences and exciting work opportunities, Northern Ontario has so much to see and do. Information about some of our communities can be found by visiting our updated interactive map and community profiles. Check out what electives opportunities are available in the new Electives Catalogue.

Have questions? Please reach out to us:


Canada Student Loan Forgiveness – Did You Know?

Family medicine residents working in an under-served, rural, or remote community in Canada may be eligible for the Government of Canada’s Canada Student Loan Forgiveness for Family Doctors and Nurses program.

  • As a resident or family doctor, if you complete at least 400 hours total of in-person service over a 12 month period, you may be eligible for up to $8,000 in loan forgiveness for that year. You could receive up to $60,000 in Canada Student Loan forgiveness over a maximum of five years ($8,000 in year 1, $10,000 in year 2, $12,000 in year 3, $14,000 in year 4 and $16,000 in year 5).
  • Your five years of service do not have to be consecutive. If you have a Canada Student Loan balance at the end of each year of service in an eligible community, you can qualify for loan forgiveness for five years.
  • For more information about the program, eligibility criteria and application details please view the Government of Canada’s website. To determine if a community qualifies under this program, use the Postal Code Lookup Tool. Find a postal code on the Canada Post website.

Ministry of Health incentives for Northern and Rural work

Recruitment and retention to Northern and Rural sites:

  • The Northern and Rural Recruitment and Retention Initiative (NRRRI): The objective of the NRRRI is to attract physicians to establish a full-time practice in eligible underserviced communities.
  • The NRRRI offers taxable financial recruitment incentives to each eligible physician who establishes a full-time practice in an eligible community of the province. The grants range between $84,718 and $124,730 paid over a four-year period. The financial recruitment incentives will be awarded based on eligibility criteria and considerations related to total NRRRI budget allocations.
  • Retention beyond 4 years: The Northern Physician Retention Initiative (NPRI) was established as an initiative under the 2000 Ontario Medical Association (OMA) Framework Agreement to enable eligible physicians in northern Ontario to receive the equivalent of a $7,460.95 retention incentive paid at the end of each fiscal year in which they continue to practice full-time in northern Ontario
  • The Community Assessment Visit Program promotes the relocation/recruitment of health care professionals to eligible rural and Northern Ontario communities and provide reimbursement for travel and accommodation expenses incurred by health care professionals and their spouse within Ontario for purposes of assessing practice opportunities in an eligible community of the province.

Older Materials


Practice Management and Community Exploration Conference

On October 21st & 22nd, 2022, we held our 2nd annual Practice Management & Community Exploration Conference – Finding Your True North: Planning for Your Future Career. Educational sessions and panel discussions for learners, residents and their families focussed on planning electives, future work, and finances and included practical tips.

Check out the event website to view the following:

Interested in what the 2021 conference and job fair had to offer?

Learn about communities and what they have to offer under Community Visit Rooms.
See what opportunities were highlighted at the conference.
View presentation materials

Contact Information

Office of Physician Workforce Strategy

Northern Horizons: Opportunities Amidst Canada's Pristine Landscapes

The power of Northern Ontario's Waterfalls

The power of Northern Ontario's Waterfalls

Lakeside Camping in Northern Ontario

Lakeside Camping in Northern Ontario

A panoramic view of Lake Superior

A panoramic view of Lake Superior

The Brooding Beauty of Lake Wawa

The Brooding Beauty of Lake Wawa

The Thunder Bay Heights

The Thunder Bay Heights

The Power of Northern Ontario's Waterfalls

The Power of Northern Ontario's Waterfalls

Northern Nightfall

Northern Nightfall

A panoramic view of Lake Superior

A panoramic view of Lake Superior