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Spotlight on Research

NOSM University researcher and partners develop groundbreaking heart attack classification 

A new clinical classification is a gamechanger in the way that medical providers assess heart attacks. Released by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS), the classification is based on research by Dr. Andreas Kumar, Associate Professor at NOSM University and Cardiologist at Health Sciences North, along with his colleague Dr. Rohan Dharmakumar at Indiana University School of Medicine. NOSM University MD student Suzanne Betteridge-LeBlanc, cardiac surgeon and NOSM University Professor Dr. Rony Atoui, and cardiologist Dr. Anthony Main were also authors on the classification, alongside a team of Canadian and American experts.  A powe...

Read more about NOSM University researcher and partners who developed groundbreaking heart attack classification 

New Book Calls for Socially Accountable Approaches to Violence 

A new book by Dr. Maxwell Kennel, a Senior Research Associate at the Dr. Gilles Arcand Centre for Health Equity, seeks to reframe how we think about violence.   Ontologies of Violence: Deconstruction, Pacifism, and Displacement, published by Brill in July 2023, explores how violence is a term for something more than physical force or visible expressions of power. The research examines texts by philosophers and calls for taking approaches to defining and resisting violence that are socially accountable to the people most affected.  Plans for a book launch and online symposium are underway, and the book is available for order from...

Read more about Maxwell Kennel's new book.

Empowering Northern Ontario communities through research

Social accountability leads to locally driven solutions Social accountability defines NOSM University. NOSM University researchers work to support the goals of communities and partners so that local priority health concerns lead health-system transformation. “Our entire research program is built upon partnerships,” explains Dr. Brianne Wood, Associate Scientist, Social Accountability and Learning Health Systems at the Dr. Gilles Arcand Centre for Health Equity. “Partnerships and engagement are the foundation of social accountability. Social accountability requires that you direct your activities towards the needs and priorities o...

Read more about Dr. Wood's work.