Media Releases
Pan Northern Geriatric Care Conference Great Success
On October 24 - 26, 2007, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) hosted the first annual Pan Northern Geriatric Care Conference in partnership with First Link; Alzheimer Society of Sudbury-Manitoulin; North East Mental Health Centre; City of Greater Sudbury; Northeastern Ontario Dementia Assessment and Consultation Services; and, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, and in collaboration with Réseau de santé en français du Moyen-Nord de l’Ontario. Drs. Joanne Clark and Maurice St. Martin, co-chairs of the event, welcomed more than 125 participants to the first conference of its kind in Northern Ontario. An array of ...
Read MoreNOSM Welcomes Interns to New Northern Ontario Dietetic Internship Program
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) recently welcomed its first intake of dietetic interns into the new Northern Ontario Dietetic Internship Program (NODIP). The program, a joint initiative between NOSM and the NODIP Professional Advisory Committee, involves multiple health-care facilities throughout Northern Ontario, with funding provided by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care in Ontario. As with NOSM’s medical students and residents, NOSM’s dietetic interns will be undertaking community-based learning, with placements across Northern Ontario. Graduates of NODIP will have an appreciation for the unique health-car...
Read MoreNOSM Renames Francophone Bursary Fund in Honour of Maureen Lacroix
A standing ovation at the recent Francophone Symposium welcomed Mrs. Maureen Lacroix as the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) announced the renaming of a student bursary in her honour. The « Bourse communautaire francophone » has been renamed the « Bourse francophone Maureen Lacroix » in recognition of Mrs. Lacroix’s dedication to advancing Francophone initiatives in health-care throughout Northern Ontario. Mrs. Lacroix was presented a plaque in honour of her contributions, from Mrs. Liliane Beauchamp, a fellow member of NOSM’s Francophone Reference Group and Board of Directors. In her acceptance speech, Mrs. Lacroix ...
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