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Indigenous Stories

Métis Nation of Ontario supports NOSM University students with $515k bursary

Donation will be matched by the FDC Foundation totalling $1,030,000 for Métis medical students The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) is providing an endowment of $515,000 to NOSM University, Canada’s first independent medical university.The endowment will fund a bursary program for Métis students pursuing their MD at NOSM University and is being matched by the FDC Foundation. “As the government representing Métis in Ontario, we are proud to do what we can to encourage academic and skills development, helping citizens of the Métis Nation of Ontario achieve their goals,” said MNO President Margaret Froh. “This bursary will e...

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Wikwemikong Tribal Police partners with NOSM University researchers on trauma-informed policing curriculum and training

Wikwemikong Tribal Police and NOSM University researchers are working together to develop a culturally-based, trauma-informed policing approach for Indigenous police services. This project has received $1,120,500 in funding from the Province of Ontario’s community safety and policing grant. This initiative aims to improve community resilience related to the risk of addictions and human trafficking, train officers to better respond to trauma responses manifested by victims, as well as create trauma-informed, land-based Anishinaabe wellness support for police officers, first responders and victims involved with mental health...

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Join the NOSM University $10K Social Accountability Challenge

Working on a climate change project or planning community-led work in planetary health and social determinants of health? Or maybe you and your Indigenous community or organization aims to connect youth with Elders and Knowledge Keepers to visit with each other to learn about the land and talk about the effects of climate change on the earth. NOSM University has an opportunity for you. You may be eligible to apply for funding from NOSM University’s Centre for Social Accountability (CFSA). The $10K Social Accountability Challenge will award $10,000 to 10 community-based organizations with a focus on climate change. Five organizati...

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