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Innovative app created by NOSM medical students aims to reduce opioid-related deaths

As the opioid death rate continues to rise in Northern Ontario, medical students at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) have created an innovative app that improves access to Naloxone, a drug used to counter the effects of opioid overdose. Jordan Law, MacKenzie Ludgate and Owen Montpellier have developed the Naloxone North app, a free and confidential service that ships a Naloxone kit right to your door. The Naloxone North app includes educational information about the drug as well as a detailed instructional video and approved information about the safe administration of Naloxone. “Opioid-related death rates in many p...

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NOSM Supports Ornge with Operation Remote Immunity

On Monday, February 22, 2021, NOSM’s first of 22 teams, consisting of learners, clinical faculty and staff joined Ornge, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, and many other partners in the roll out of COVID-19 vaccines to fly-in First Nations communities. They will travel to Wunnumin, Eabamatoong (Fort Hope), Bearskin Lake, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (Big Trout Lake), Deer Lake, Martin Falls, North Spirit and King Fisher Lake. The goal is to complete all doses in 31 fly-in communities and Moosonee by the end of April. NOSM has organized 22 teams to be deployed between February 22 and April 2. All participants were vaccinated and completed ma...

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Innovation in times of crisis: how NOSM faculty created curriculum that challenges students to advocate for impactful change

As the world faced the unprecedented health crisis of COVID-19, faculty at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) made pivotal changes to its fourth-year MD curriculum. At a time when students were not able to work on the frontlines, NOSM faculty worked quickly to introduce a new curriculum that focused on building advocacy leadership skills that would lead to impactful change. “The new curriculum provided students with the opportunity to pursue topics that matter to them while having real, positive impacts on patient care and population health in Northern and rural contexts,” says Dr. Erin Cameron, NOSM Assistant Professo...

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