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Media Releases

New Active Offer training module increases equitable access to care for Francophones in Northern Ontario

A new complementary online training module added to the was created by the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l'Ontario (Réseau) in collaboration with NOSM University. This specialized training is designed for professionals working in the primary-care sector and will enhance their ability to provide tailored services to Francophone patients. The module was created as part of a series of sector-specific courses that can be completed individually or as part of the full Active Offer Training. Diane Quintas, Executive Director of the Réseau explains, “The primary goal of this training module is to emp...

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NOSM University seeks community members as standardized patients

Help train Northern Ontario’s future doctors by portraying a patient NOSM University will be hosting an information session for individuals interested in becoming a Standardized Patient (SP). SPs are healthy people trained to act as real patients and simulate symptoms and medical conditions. They assist medical students in acquiring skills for patient history-taking and physical exams and provide valuable feedback to students. Date:              Tuesday, June 27, 2023 Time:              6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Venue:           Room 1011, NOSM University building, Thunder Bay Room 107, NOSM University bu...

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NOSM University receives $150,000 gift from The Masonic Foundation of Ontario

Donation supporting MD students will be matched by FDC Foundation The Masonic Foundation of Ontario has donated $150,000 towards awards and bursaries for NOSM University students. This is the largest single contribution by Masons to NOSM University. Both The Masonic Foundation of Ontario and district Mason groups throughout the North have been consistent donors to NOSM University since 2007. The gift will be matched by the FDC Foundation, creating a $300,000 endowment for undergraduate medical students. “This gift will advance education and benefit the community, two of the Masons’ priorities,” said Brian Koivu, President of T...

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