Faire un don!

Bourse de recherche d’été du doyen pour les étudiants en médecine

The Dean Summer Medical Student Research Awards began in 2006. Student research projects provide NOSM medical students the opportunity to pursue hands-on research in a broad range of areas, from biological studies to social research.

This award competition is open to all NOSM medical students who are interested in doing research over the summer months (June to August). The medical student is remunerated at $2,000 per month (35 hour work week).

How to Apply

  • End of October – A call for potential supervisors is sent to all NOSM faculty members and interested faculty are asked to submit a short description of their current research projects.
  • Mid December – Application packages, listing potential supervisors and research project information, are sent to all NOSM medical students. Students are encouraged to contact the faculty member (from the list of potential supervisors) whose research project is of interest to them. Together, the medical student and faculty member are responsible for completing the application.
  • Mid February – Application deadline. The Research Office reviews applications.
  • Mid March – Awards are announced.

Previous Dean’s Summer Medical Student Awards Recipients