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2010 NHRC Conference

Fifth Annual Northern Health Research Conference Hosted by NOSM

On June 4 – 5, 2010, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held its fifth annual Northern Health Research Conference (NHRC) at Laurentian University in Sudbury to coincide with the University’s 50th anniversary. Delegates from across Northern Ontario and around the world attended the conference – the largest NHRC to date.

As in previous years, the research presented ranged from the molecular to the whole society with a record 92 papers, involving almost 300 authors, presented as either oral or poster presentations. « Over 160 participants from different research backgrounds and institutions in Northern Ontario, across Canada, and beyond came together to share their study findings, advance knowledge, and network amongst themselves towards developing new integrated, interdisciplinary, pan-northern research teams. It was particularly exciting that so many of the presenters were NOSM learners, » said NOSM Dean, Dr. Roger Strasser.

Dr. Greg Ross, NOSM Associate Dean of Research added, « This conference demonstrates NOSM’s commitment to health care and education to the people of Northern Ontario and beyond. Tackling the questions that will help improve the health of people in Northern Ontario is a key mandate for the research program at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. »

Conference highlights included the keynote address by Mr. François Boileau, French Language Services Commissioner of Ontario entitled « Legislation and Francophone’s Health in Ontario: A Challenging Duo » and special guest presentation by Dr. Richard Hays, former Founding Dean of James Cook University School of Medicine in Australia, who emphasized the history of innovation and challenged participants to capitalize on the opportunities for research in rural health.

The next Northern Health Research Conference will be June 10 – 11, 2011 in Huntsville, Ontario.