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Metadata Services

What is Metadata?

Metadata is information that is necessary to make data understood and usable by humans and/or machines. If collected systematically from the start of a project, it can help document workflows, facilitate quality control, and increase discoverability.

One of the simplest metadata standards is Dublin Core, it consists of 15 elements including: location, language, creator, title, and format. There are many other standards which can be specific to a discipline or sets of disciplines that include even more elements. One example of this is the Data Document Initiative (DDI) for the social sciences.

The Service

The metadata service being offered by the Health Sciences Library looks to assist members of our organization with the application of metadata in their work and/or research.

  • Do you want to apply a specific taxonomy to a set of documents/records within your Unit?

    The library can consult with you on where to find, or how to create, a taxonomy that will suit your needs, and advise on how to consistently apply it.

  • Are you submitting a data management plan as part of your grant requirements?

    The library can consult with you in regards to the metadata portion of your data management plan. The goal of this service is to enhance the discoverability of your data within the repository you are submitting to.

Contact Us

For more information about this service please contact